Please check your ticket selections against the festival programme before purchasing tickets to ensure that your selected sessions do not clash.
If you are a Church Times subscriber or a student, please also double check that you are adding tickets which include these descriptors in the ticket title.
If you would like to be eligible for this discount and are interested in receiving outstanding independent journalism every week, you can subscribe to the Church Times here.
Get a taste for this year's exciting programme; read these articles by festival speakers:
Book review: Immaculate Forms: Uncovering the history of women’s bodies by Helen King
Interview with Cathy Rentzenbrink on her new novel Ordinary Time
Interview with Diarmaid MacCulloch on sex, marriage, and the Church
Uncovering the history of women's bodies
Lessons from mid-life: joy blended with sorrow
Ticket booking line: +44(0)1603 785925 (Monday - Friday, 9.00 – 16.30)Tickets booked by phone will be sent by post and a £2.50 delivery charge added to your order.
Unable to join us in Winchester? Do not worry, livestreaming tickets for a limited selection of sessions are now available for purchase. Scroll to the bottom of the ticket page to make your purchase. You will receive separate links to join the livestreams for each day closer to the festival date.
The selection that can be watched live are the following:
Fully Alive - Elizabeth Oldfield
The Eclipse of Christianity and Why It Matters - Rupert Shortt
Poet, Mystic Widow Wife: The Extraordinary Lives of Medieval Woman - Claire Gilbert and Hetta Howes
‘Winter thunder and polar bears’: WH Auden, poetry and God - Mark Oakley
Take Up The Tale: Winchester, The Round Table, and a New Telling of the Arthur Story - Malcolm Guite
Paths in the Snow: A Literary Journey through The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe - Jem Bloomfield
Lower than the Angels: A History of Sex and Christianity - Diarmaid MacCulloch
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IMPORTANT: Once you’ve ordered your ticket please check your inbox, and if necessary your Spam folder, to retrieve your order confirmation email and your ticket. And please add to your safe senders list. If it hasn't arrived safely please contact us at Thank you.
All prices are inclusive of VAT.
Cancellation refunds policy
We offer 100% refunds on the ticket costs for Hymns A&M events up to 3 months before the event is due to start, and a 50% refund up to 4 weeks in advance.
You will need to return all tickets to our Norwich office to process this refund.
After this date, refunds will not be possible.