
Key Sponsor

The Church Times, founded in 1863, has become the world's leading Anglican weekly newspaper. With a commitment to independent journalism, a lively comment section and in-depth features on faith, arts and culture, the Church Times is your window onto the church news that matters.

Associate Sponsors

Canterbury Press is a leading supplier of popular religious books. We publish a wide range of titles, covering liturgy, worship, mission, ministry, spirituality, biography, travel and even humour!

Winchester Cathedral is home to an active Christian community, seeking to offer a warm Benedictine welcome to all our visitors and worshippers, as though they were Christ himself.

The Cathedral is also a visitor attraction, a venue for music and the arts, with a diverse programme of concerts, exhibitions, educational talks, family activities and more.

We encourage open, respectful debate on Christian faith. Founded in 1898 as an Anglican society, we welcome all who share our ethos, work ecumenically to encourage non-dogmatic approaches to Christianity and support liberal voices in our churches.


Church House Bookshop is the official bookshop of the Church of England. Your first stop for popular Christian books, resources and church supplies.

Find the list of speakers' books chosen by Church House Bookshop here: https://chbookshop.hymnsam.co.uk/features/bloxham18-booklist


Cathy Rentzenbrink
Malcolm Guite
Carys Davies
Catherine Coldstream
Michael Wheeler
Wed 22 Mar @ 12:13
RT @Aitken2JamesThe @ChurchTimes @faithlitfest in February was very enriching. It has since been made all the better by winning… https://t.co/Z30eyI5WLO